As you move through school and in life, you will make many choices about your education and career plans. Guidance and Career Education at Northern Lights Secondary School is dedicated to helping students develop the skills, abilities, & characteristics needed for life after high school – careers, trades, apprenticeships, university, college – any of the above. Check out the links attached to Guidance for more information.
Each registered student has an Individual Pathways Plan (IPP), an online portfolio and planning tool that students use to plan for post-secondary destinations. Some considerations of the pathways program include: Who am I? What are my opportunities? Who do I want to become? What is my plan for achieving my goals? What skills and abilities do I need to develop? Talk to your Guidance Counsellor for more information. You can book an appointment at:
Keep in mind that students need 30 credits, 40 community hours, and to successful complete their Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) or Ontario Literacy Course (OLC).