Counselling Services
NLSS offers confidential counselling for all of our students for a variety of presenting issues such as:
- Academic Performance
- Anxiety & Stress
- Attendance Support
- Concerns due to recent significant change in behaviour
- Drug & Alcohol Use or Abuse
- Feelings of Depression
- Grief & Loss
- Healthy Relationships & Sexuality
- Peer Conflict
- Self-Harm
- Self-Image
- Wellbeing
We also support students in:
- Accessing community supports
- Linking students to community resources and events
- Finding opportunities to gain community hours
You can make an appointment by speaking with our Counselling staff, as well as NLSS Administration, Guidance, teaching staff. You can stop by and talk with Susan Hunter, our Wellbeing Counsellor or Libby Duguay, our Community Outreach Counsellor to learn more about our counselling program supports, or if you would like to make a referral.
To book an appointment with Libby, click here: and follow the instructions.
To book an appointment with Susan, click here: and follow the instructions.